I am a Midwest girl who loves to tell stories through the images I capture and through words on a page. You can read all about my 20 year-long journey [whew! That makes me sound old!] with photography here.
While I have been writing my entire life, early on my stories were on a notepad by the family phone and outlined what was happening in the images I drew: "Dad being carried away by ants." Thankfully I gave up illustrating and horror stories simultaneously. I like to marry the sacred and the sarcastic in my writing to point to a relational God in the midst of everyday living. My first book, Attendeth My Way, releases in the in the fall of 2022 [find more info here].
I am a former high school English teacher, a photographer, and a passionate bible teacher who believes biblical literacy is not just for seminary students. I love reading and spending time with people.
I am a huge fan of being outside, all types of cheese, surprise parties, and laughing.
I live in Missouri with a triathlete husband, four incredible kids, and a jungle of plants beginning to take over our home. You can chat with me on Instagram at @kelseyirwincreative, or contact me here.